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Uses & Benefits of Turmeric for Skin: How it Can Help Your Skin

Turmeric Powder for Skin

When you hear the word turmeric what pops into your head? Something along the lines of spice, cooking, and Indian food, right? Using it for skincare is probably nowhere in the vicinity of your thought capacity for this yellowish Indian spice. Would it shock you to find out that turmeric benefits for skin are pretty much endless? 

Rich in antioxidants, turmeric can be used on any skin type. Turmeric for skin helps to gently exfoliate and clean pores, remove dead skin, and also heal the skin to add a healthy glow, treat acne and wrinkles naturally. The benefits of this utilitarian spice lie within its medicinal powers. The main active component of turmeric is a potent micronutrient called curcumin; which gives this spice its unique color.

Turmeric benefits for skin have properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-bacterial, and wound-healing properties. Below you will find just a few kinds of skin care problems turmeric can be used for.

Turmeric for Skin

Skin lightening

This turmeric benefit for skin is proven to brighten skin within three weeks with results that last just as long. By using a turmeric essential oil in a lotion can give you glowing skin. This is a result of a powerful and anti-inflammatory compound working together to heal and bring out the natural health of the skin. 

To Soothe Eczema 

Turmeric for eczema is a herbal remedy that eases itchiness, swelling, and redness in people who suffer from eczema. To help soothe and calm down the irritation of eczema, turmeric milk is recommended. This turmeric milk recipe makes two servings. Ingredients: 2 cups of unsweetened almond, coconut or hemp milk, 1 tablespoon agave or honey, 1 tablespoon extra-virgin coconut oil, 1 teaspoon ground turmeric, 1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and a small pinch of black pepper. Directions: Warm the milk, add the remaining ingredients, and whisk to combine. Strain. Drink two cups daily.

Help fade acne scarring

Turmeric isn’t just great for pimples, it can also help fade those annoying acne scars. Not only will the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help, but so will its antibacterial properties. You can use turmeric powder in combination with many skin-healthy DIY face mask ingredients, such as honey, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, or aloe.

Heal wounds

When you get injured, your body’s natural response is to send white blood cells and healing enzymes to the wound to fight off infection. While that sounds like a good thing, it also causes the not-so-beneficial effects like inflammation, heat, redness, and pain. Turmeric counteracts this response by fighting inflammation and oxidation to calm the swelling and make those wounds a little less angry.



This Turmeric face mask will absorb the excess oil from the skin and make it smooth and non-greasy. Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon organic turmeric powder and 1- 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix the ingredients well to form a smooth paste. Apply the mask with a brush, leave it for about 15 mins and then rinse with warm water.


Using this turmeric for skin face mask will give your skin a deep clean the skin to reveal soft glowing skin. Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon organic turmeric powder and 1- 2 tablespoon of tomato juice. Start by mixing the ingredients well for a smooth face mask. Apply the paste in a circular motion to gently massage the skin, leave it for about 15-20 mins and then rinse with warm water. 


Turmeric for pimples helps to fight acne-causing bacteria to treat acne and prevent any future breakouts. Here are the ingredients for this turmeric face mask: 1/2 teaspoon organic turmeric powder and 1- 2 tablespoon of witch hazel. Mix the ingredients mentioned above well to form a paste. Add more turmeric if required. Apply the paste and give a gentle massage, leave it for about 10 min and then rinse with warm water.


Yogurt is full of good bacteria that help your skin glow by nourishing it from within. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon organic turmeric powder, 2 tablespoons rice flour, 1 teaspoon jojoba oil, and plain yogurt. Mix the ingredients together and use it as a facial mask. Leave it for about 15-20 min and then rinse with warm water. 


The turmeric benefits for skin in this overnight turmeric mask contains amazing properties to help keep skin clear and healthy. It has natural anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and skin-brightening properties. that makes complexion brighter, adds a healthy glow, and keeps it clear. Ingredients: 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon jojoba oil, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon organic turmeric powder, and 4+ drops of tea tree oil. Combine aloe vera gel and jojoba oil till well mixed. Add the turmeric and tea tree oil and mix again until everything is well combined. Take a small amount and massage on your face until well absorbed into the skin. Place the rest in a small container and store in the refrigerator. 


Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components to brighten your skin and fade pigmentation. Ingredients:1 tablespoon Melted Shea Butter and Organic turmeric powder as required. Mix together shea butter and turmeric and use it as a face cream. Leave it for about 15 mins or overnight for results and then rinse with warm water.

One thought on “Uses & Benefits of Turmeric for Skin: How it Can Help Your Skin

  1. Reply
    Doretta Bencomo
    September 25, 2020 at 10:54 pm

    This wonderful and very well written article
    reminded me of when I had big problems with teeth, cavities and pain,
    yellow and ugly teeth, then I found a simple way to rebuild my teeth
    and gums and get rid of tooth decay. (maybe it will help someone): Thanks!
    Keep doing a great job!

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