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Boosting Your Immune System

Boy Standing with a Face mask

As the year comes to an end with the uncertainty of the pandemic it appears everyone is focusing on their health.  The one thing anyone can control really is their health.  The best place to start is nutrition which entails eating properly with the correct food. However, in order to achieve optimal health the best place to start is your immune system.   If your immune system is suffering then poor health is sure to follow?

What is the best way to boost your immune system?  One of the best ways to boost your immune system is through clean, healthy, and organic food.  Organic is best. Other options are working out, getting enough sleep, keeping clean hands, and yes, nutrition.  Let’s take a look at each of these choices to gain the maximum benefit of boosting your immune system.

5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

  1. Exercise- This doesn’t mean you have to wake up at 5 am for a morning jog type exercise.  It can be yoga or a daily walk for at least fifteen (15) minutes.  Anything to raise your heart rate will help release toxins from your system. This allows for easy digestion and releases any negative energy caused by stress.
  2. Sleep-  This can’t be said enough.  We are all guilty of skimping on our sleep.  Apparently 24 hours in a day is not enough to accomplish everything we need in that time frame for sleep.  Sleep is extremely important to boost your immune system and for your overall well being.  Sleep is where the magic happens when it comes to healing and repairing any damage to the body.  While we slumber our brains filter and process everything of our day.  Physical injuries are repairing as new cells are working as we sleep.  Grab your favorite blanket, a nice cup of teas, snuggling in allowing yourself to swept off to dreamland.
  3. Washing your hands- This has always been important and has nothing to do with a pandemic.  Washing your hands removes harmful bacteria. Think of everything you touch throughout your day and now thing how many times your touch your face.  It is alarming just how many times we do and then proceed to put our hands near our mouth or eyes. Washing your hands keeps harmful materials away from your body which is one less contamination your body has to fight off.
  4. Nutrition/Diet/Food- What you put into your body is a huge indicator of your overall health.  Poor diet equals poor health.   Diets high in fruits and vegetables will boost your immune system.    For instance, shitake mushrooms are excellent for providing your body the proper bacteria to fight off infections.   The best way to eat these fruits and vegetables is organic.  Organic simply means the food is prepared without any man-made chemicals, enhancers, or modified in any way.  This includes the preparation of meat such as eating grass-fed cows or free-range chickens for organic eggs.  The key is to be mindful of the ingredients. Usually, the rule is if you can’t pronounce it then it is probably not good for your system.
  5. Herbs/Supplements-  Herbs are tricky because the source in which your obtain them will have a huge impact on whether it will truly affect the boosting benefits.  Many companies will offer supplements and herbs but their processing methods or handling of the ingredients can actually do more harm.  Do your research. Ask trustworthy friends and platforms.  As always, the best way to ensure you will gain the full and proper benefits is, you guessed it, choose herbs in their natural form.  Here are a few to get you started:

Garlic- fights germs and used as an aphrodisiac

Ginger- reduces inflammation and boost heart health

Bell Peppers- lowers risk of cancer since it contains carotenoid lycopene.

Mushrooms attacks infectious diseases.  ( Shitake Mushrooms are best)

Green Tea boost immune to fight off infections

There are tons of options when it comes to diet and nutrition.  This list is just a tiny sample of what is available to you. This is the best place to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

This year has been eye-opening for just about everyone.  Regardless of what trial and tribulations you have endured throughout this year, it has been eye-opening, challenging, and full of stress.  We all have our eyes open to improving our way of life including implementing a healthier lifestyle. The time is now to start a new and improved healthier lifestyle by boosting your immune system.

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