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Discovering Your Passion for Fitness

Fitness Efforts

I want you to ask yourself, are you one of “those” people who tell themselves, “today is the day I am going to get off my lazy ass and exercise.”? Are you making exercise charts and fitness plans, then bailing on them because you can’t find the energy or motivation to simply do it? I know how you feel! I’ve been there more times than I can count. It’s safe to say fitness is not my passion like it is for others, but that doesn’t mean you or I can’t find it.

There are many people who are passionate about health and fitness and dive headfirst into that lifestyle. The people who wake up energized and cannot wait to start their morning workout routine. Or those who feel that midday itch to go for a walk or run on their lunch break. Basically, the feeling that they live to exercise, rather than exercise to live.

However, if you’re like me and lack that desire to exercise, but are motivated, driven even to live a healthier lifestyle, maybe it’s time to give some thought to your exercise routine huh? Now I don’t mean you need to run a mile a day (lord knows even I’m not that ambitious). But look at your reasons for wanting to change your routine. What is that “it” factor for building your healthy lifestyle? By discovering your ambitions, it’s going to make it that much easier to find your passion for fitness. 

Finding the perfect exercise match is never easy though. If it was everybody would have done it by now. A major step in finding the right fitness model requires both self-reflection and experimentation. In making a fitness model/plan to follow, just take a closer look at what/who inspires you. Being passionate about health and fitness is all about understanding how you’re wired, this is what will help you succeed in finding a successful routine and a healthy lifestyle. Below are seven tips that will hopefully help you discover your passion and motivation for fitness and healthier life.

7 Tips To Try Finding Your Passion For Fitness


If you are finding that every time you begin a traditional workout like running, you lack enthusiasm, you may just need to switch it up and break tradition. Go indoor mountain climbing, hiking, biking, swimming and dancing to see what sparks your passion for fitness. If you diversify your exercise, I guarantee you are going to find what works best for you!


If running is your thing great! If you like pilates super! Whatever sparks a fire under that butt of yours to get it moving. Doing a workout is all about keeping you motivated enough to work towards your goals for a healthier lifestyle. If you don’t like running sprints, don’t do them. Hate the  elliptical at the fitness center, hard pass! Your taste for fitness is going to reflect your personality; so find something that will mesh well with who you are. Read this post on approaching fitness to help you further your goals in life.


Download your favorite music to your phone or iPod to inspire you to work out longer and stronger. If you find that music helps you move, you need to download your songs pronto so you can get moving and find passion and love for fitness. How can you not love working out to your favorite music as you sculpt and tone your body?


Switch up your gear and find fitness wear that shows your personality. There is an endless array of workout attire that you can even accessorize with. So pick up a sparkly hair band to hold your hair back, fitted shorts and whatever else that shows your personality.


There are endless fitness trackers out there now you wear that will track your distance, pace and calories burned while you run or bike. Tech gear can help motivate you to go a further distance when you work out. A lot of people use fitness trackers to monitor their heart rate and step count on a daily basis due to the instant feedback of the tracker.


Get in touch with what your goals are and if you are looking to lose weight, start making healthier food choices and get excited over your exercise. Write out a food and exercise schedule to help you to achieve your goal. And if you diversify your workouts, add some tunes and get in the zone, you will find love and passion in your workouts!


If you get in a happier place and try to have fun in your workouts, you may be surprised at the outcome. You will begin to have more fun and working out will no longer feel like it is as much work. You will feel de-stressed after your workouts and life will just seem better. So put on a smile and work out your stress, energy and give it all you got!

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